Diverse Population Groups
We have job search specialists who have experience in working with diverse population groups. For instance, our staff include: a customized employment specialist, an indigenous job search specialist and a youth job search specialist. Our job search specialists have experience working with survivors of violence, new comers and with persons with mental health concerns.
At WorkBC New Westminster, our job search specialists speak 11 languages allowing us to better service our clients. If you know someone with limited English who could benefit from our services, our staff combined speak nearly 11 languages: Cantonese, Hindi, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, Farsi, and Turkish. We can also offer interpretation services!
We work with individuals who are on Employment Insurance, Income Assistance, and Persons With Disabilities. As long as an individual meets our basic eligibility criteria, they can access case management services.
Here is some WorkBC advice for specialized groups.